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Joanne Woolsey

Summer Sale!

    Kick off summer with savings on your favorite summer plants! All flowering perennials, hibiscus, annuals, shade tropicals, vines, hanging baskets & palms are 20% off from May 30th-June 3rd Does not include indoor houseplants, cactus, bromeliads, shrubs, trees, & fruit… Read More »Summer Sale!

    Mother’s Day Sale

      20% off ALL Flowering Perennials, Vines, Hanging Baskets & Flowering Annuals!

      New Cactus

        New Rare Cactus, Booby, Spiral, Unicorn & More!

        New Plants 5/1/2024

          Mother’s Day is right around the corner & we’re fully stocked on all of her favorites!! Roses, Calla Lillies & more!