Check out our biggest tropical haul of the year!!
Flowering Tropicals
- Bougainvillea
- Hibiscus
- Ixora
- Helicona
- Bottlebrush
- Firecracker Fern
- Bush Daisy
- Dipladenia
- Mandevilla
- Jasmine Sambac
- Anthurium Red
- Canna Lily
- Bird of Paradise
- Gold Mound Duranta
- Esperanza
- Blue Butterfly Clerodendrum
- Pink powderpuff bush
- Jatropha
- Grand Duke Jasmine
- Firespike
- Swamp Milkweed
- Tuberosa Milkweed
- Foxtail Fern
- Copperleaf
- Wart Fern
- ZZ Plant
- Boston Fern
- Carissa Emerald Blanket
- Rainbow Eucalyptus
- Indian Hawthorne
- Loropetalum
- Japanese Yew
- Texas Sage Silver
- Fountain Grass
- Muhly Grass
- Bleeding Heart
- Garlic Vine
- Passion Vine
- Purple Petra Vine
- Variegated Stephanotis
- Blue Sky Vine
Tropical Houseplants
- Philodendron Gloriousium
- P. Burle Marx
- P. Billietae
- Chinese Money Plant
- Neon Pothos
- Alocasia Chienlii
- Alocasia x Amazonica Polly
- Alocasia Corozon
- Alocasia Jacklyn
- Anthurim Queen of Hearts
- Anthurium Radicans x Luxurians
- Anthurium Veitchii King
- Monstera Burle Marx Flame
- Monstera Obilqua Peru
- Epiprimnum Pinnatum Aurea
- Epiprimnum Pinnatum Albo
- P. Joepii
- P. McColleys Finale
- P. Melanochrysum
- P. Moonlight
- Stylochaeton Bogneri