Adding Tropical Foliage to your garden is a great way to embrace the natural climate of South Texas.
Tropicals are our personal favorite landscaping plants, because of the amount of color and texture they bring to your yard. Explore our collection of tropicals to find the perfect plants for your garden!
Setcreasea Pink Stripe
Hibiscus (Tropical)
Hibiscus (Mallow)
Asclepias (Milkweed)
Asclepias tuberosa (Milkweed Native)
Philodendron ‘Xanadu’
Bird of Paradise
Philodendron ‘Hope’
Ginger Variegated
Bird of Paradise
Desert Rose
Hibiscus (Tree)
Hibiscus (Tropical)
Cordylline ‘Red Sister’
Stromanthe ‘Sanguinea’
Crossandra infunibuliformis ‘Firecracker Flower’
Hamelia patens ‘Mexican Firebush’
Allamanda (Yellow)
Shrimp Plant
Dipladenia (Mandevilla)
Dracaena Marginata
Dipladenia (Mandevilla) Trellis
Oleander Dwarf
Royal poinciana
Banana Tree
Banana Tree ‘Red Abyssian’
Banana Tree ‘Red Variegated’
If you are interested in any of our tropical foliage or want to inquire about any other tropicals we might have please fill out the form below to see if we can help find your perfect plant!